Need and curiosity has made man in understanding and discovering many secrets of the natural world. As a consequence, he has reached today’s levels of developments in all spheres of life. However, despite all these achievements, he has been facing so many problems and challenges and many of them are those he himself has created. True research is a systematic and continuous process for the search of knowledge and coming up with solutions to problems, without compromising the natural environment.
The Office of the Dean, Research (ODR), St. Albert’s College (Autonomous) is a body which controls and monitors the overall research activities of the college. The present office bearers are
Dr. Rajesh Kunjanpillai (Dean)
The college has five research centres recognized by the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, and two research centres recognized by the Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies. Research also takes place in various departments as part of funded projects as well as Master Thesis and UG projects.
The functions of the ODR includes
i) Monitoring the half-yearly progress presentation of research scholars
ii) Communicating and transferring details of research guides and scholars with MGU and KUFOS
iii) Organizing and monitoring the Albertian Knowledge Summit (AKS) every year.
iv) Controlling and monitoring the Albertian Seed Grants for Research
v) Organizing and monitoring pre-synopsis and PhD defense of scholars along with the concerned department.
vi) Conducting Researchers’ Meet every year.
vii) Organizing conferences, seminars, workshops related to research, innovation and intellectual property rights.
viii) Providing directions to departments as part of student projects.